Connecting the dots #59
Can digital still surprise us?
Honza from Footshop regularly sends me a newsletter. I’ve never met Honza, but he knows what I like anyway. Who knows if Majo (48), a regular customer of brand X, knows what Metaverse is? How many products did the Facebook contest sell? I have so many philosophical questions and so few answers. There’s a thin line between creativity and functionality, and I often ask myself if efficiency is what we should expect from digital.
Marketing and media
#1 V MediaGuru urobili pekný prehľad najziskovejších médií na Slovensku. There are three television and two print media in the TOP 5.
#2 The library of available design manuals of well-known brands can be helpful in any part of your work. In it, you can find great copywriting, imaginative design, and original positioning.
#3 I guess it’s clear which medium has the most significant impact on future sales. 👇🏻 Finally, we have it confirmed. More shocking is that social media plays a small role in future sales. Will we finally change tactics from 40 monthly posts to a few with something to say? More info here.

#4 If you’re as confused as we are and it just sounds like another buzzword, I recommend downloading the new pdf from Wunderman Thompson.
#5 I guess I was too skeptical about the business impact of TikTok on brands. Maybe it will work even better than Google search. TikTok is now selling out secondhands in New York.
#6 Marketing director of New Balance explains in a Creative review how shoes originally made for dads became a hot brand for today’s young generation. And maybe the whole story was different; they just created amazing collaborations across the world and industries – fashion, sports and music. AWESOME!
#1 Working on a computer leaves a bigger carbon footprint than you might think. You can calculate yours very quickly thanks to the Electricity use calculator. And here you can also find out how deleting e-mails can help our planet.
#2 A new trend in the workplace. Of course, it started on TikTok. After the pandemic, young people are more aware that work should not be what defines them and BAM! Quite quitting was born. The point is that we will no longer tear ourselves apart at work. We will do what is necessary, but certainly not more. And you won’t be reachable after five o’clock.
#3 Fun fact: On this link, you can find out how people around the world sneeze.
#4 Philosophical question on the verge of moral: Can pigs save humanity? According to the latest polls, it’s closer than ever.
#5 A bit of excitement after the holiday season. You will find instructions on how to read banned books on this link.
Popular content of the month: If you thought that inflation would support secondhand clothes shopping, you were just as wrong as we were. Cheap rags from large hypermarkets will be trendy again.
Have a great time, and if you can’t get enough of our content, you can also find us regularly in Strategie.