Connecting the dots #63
oh my DOT!
Today we are happy. Like all the brands we work for, our agency is also undergoing an evolution. We have reached the stage when a small digital agency has become a large full-service agency, so naturally we were asked to change as part of this transformation… and voilà! This newsletter is the swan song for dotcom and the start of something new and exciting for oh my DOT.

What is changing?
Along with the name of the agency, our philosophy and identity are also changing. In order not to go into too much detail here, you can read more about the rebranding in Strategies: dotcom advertising is changing to oh my DOT.
Our DOT – “Director of Taste” does not remain only at the level of a new name. In cooperation with the research agency Ipsos, we decided to create an annual survey mapping trends in the behavior of Slovaks, and you can find its full version for free on our renewed website.

So that we don’t only talk about ourselves and changes, here is something that still remains – our regular news from marketing, advertising and life.
Marketing and media
#1 A new member has joined the M&M’s family! Purple is the brand’s first new character in ten years, and he came to the party to spread inclusivity and self-love. Jane Hwang refers to this act as a natural progression in the context of the times. Nice!
#2 Did you know that the famous Nike logo was created by a woman, namely Carolyn Davidson, and it only cost the brand $35?
#3 Would someone finally slap the influencers on their unkempt fingers? Kim Kardashian asked for 250,000 euros for a crypto promo, but she didn’t realize that in addition to the #ad tag in the post, she also had to mention this amount somewhere. And so, instead of pocket money, she is fined more than a million dollars.
#4 It’s been 5 years since #MeToo. Would you believe it? Wow. You can find out what has changed and what (unfortunately) has not changed here.
#5 An old strategic adage says you’re not a marketer if you haven’t read Byron Sharp. According to the news, our idol is a scam and we shouldn’t listen to him. Contagious has written about this topic.
#6 I wish for more “crazy” things in Slovak advertising. For example, something like this RC Cola Family spot.
#7 Do you feel like you are aging too fast? They say it’s our phones that we should stop staring at.
That’s it for today. Next time you’ll see us in full oh my DOT fashion.
With love, Monika and Peťo.