Connecting the dots #66
For the last few days I have been asking myself how it is possible that many things today are controlled by people who know how to code. As if their great technical knowledge gives them an automatic predisposition to manage social networks, financial houses and other essential things in our lives. It’s a bit reminiscent of religion and the human need to have a savior to solve everything.

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#1 Eurobest announced their shortlists and they are great.
#2 The best data visualisations. Great visual aids for understanding often complex issues. I admire how a complex idea can be easily shown through a picture. 🤯
#3 Matt Klein´s strategy pack. This isn’t just for strategists, it’s a great source of useful links to help expand your horizons about the world.
#4 We are in the period where we are setting goals for 2023. I came across the concept of OKRs and I quite enjoy the difference with KPIs. See more details in the link.
#5 Best ads of the world according to AdWeek.
#6 When espionage looks like fun. Every year, Spotify shows us what data it collects about us and what it knows about us, and we look forward to it every year. „Spotify has done an amazing job of marketing surveillance as fun and getting people to not only participate in their own surveillance, but celebrate it and share it and brag about it to the world.”
#1 52 things Tom learned this year. I look forward to this link every year and it never disappoints me. If you only want to click on one link, click on this one.
„#48 In March 1967, the CIA tested Acoustic Kitty, a live cat with a microphone, battery and antenna surgically implanted. Sadly, on its first public trial, the unfortunate animal was run over by a taxi.“
#2 Mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere. Psychedelics are experiencing great popularity and are being talked about as the “it” drug of the post-pandemic era. How did that happen?
#3 You probably had about FTX. The folks at WIRED tried to shed some light on how Sam Bankman-Fried drove the crypto world crazy.
#4 Netflix is still mailing 1.5 million DVDs to people.
#5 Wildlife photography of the year. The photos are so beautiful that sometimes you have trouble believing that they are really photos.
#6 Shannon Abloh says in a recent interview with the NYT that more Off-White x Nike sneakers are already in the works. What’s your take on these posthumous collaborations?
Content of the month: If Books Could Kill – a podcast that discusses the most popular airport books that are somehow dangerous, lying or otherwise misleading.
With love