oh my DOT

Slovnaft Anywhere in two shakes


Attract new and increase frequency among existing Slovnaft BAjk users.


Bratislava has been ranked as the third most boring city in the world by a British travel portal. It is described as small and uneventful. However, we can use this perception to our advantage by highlighting the city's compact size and easy access to interesting places. To counter the idea that the city is boring, we decided to communicate in a playful manner.

Creative solution:

We utilized the concept of "RazDva" (being anywhere in two shakes) by showcasing the cool places of Bratislava, creating attractive visuals, and in collaboration with the city, developing an unconventional city memory game. Through this approach, we effectively communicated the benefits of Slovnaft BAjk and provided an opportunity for the people of Bratislava to experience these benefits firsthand.

Anywhere in two shakes